Caméléon creator

Caméléon is a visual language for functional programming.
Download (2.1.3-testing)

Visual language

Caméléon language is designed for processing research, prototyping & calibration. With Caméléon, you construct & calibrate data processes with a simple drag & drop mechanism. Caméléon is a graphical language, based on the theory described here. Caméléon is a try to make data processing research & prototyping simple & addictive.

Fast Prototyping

With its intuitive & ergonomic interface, Caméléon makes your processes research fast, interactive & addictive. You can construct & calibrate data processes in real-time. In Caméléon creator, code is a graphical data(work)-flow executed by the Caméléon Virtual Machine with a mathematical equivalence & an XML equivalence.


You can manage fonctions from different fields using CLI or API. You calibrate your Caméléon composition and your code in real time. This accelerate your research workflow. You can use Caméléon to design, build and test your own workflow, your way of working with data. Caméléon allows you to take control of your data in an addictive way.

Open source

We want to build an open community around the Caméléon Language where developers & prototypers exchange their ideas, problems & solutions to improve the Caméléon approach. We are searching users, reviewers & developers to help-us designing & creating a state of the art functional language. Our work is shared under the MIT license.